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Useful Resources

World Health Organisation

Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour provide evidence-based public health recommendations for children, adolescents, adults and older adults on the amount of physical activity (frequency, intensity and duration) required to offer significant health benefits and mitigate health risks.

UK Chief Medical Officer

UK Guidelines for all populations covering the volume, duration, frequency and type of physical activity required across the life course to achieve general health benefits. The guidelines present thresholds for the achievement of optimal health benefits at the recommended levels of physical activity in terms of strength, moderate and vigorous physical activity, and balance activities. 

Age Cymru

Age Cymru are the national charity for older people in Wales they provide confidential, impartial and expert information and advice to older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals.

Parkinsons UK

The largest European charitable funder of Parkinson's research, Parkinson’s UK is there for everyone affected by Parkinson’s, fighting for fair treatment and better services.

Dementia UK

Dementia UK is the specialist dementia nursing charity that is there for the whole family, working towards a day where no one has to face dementia alone.

Alzheimers Society

Alzheimer’s Society are working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. They do this by giving help to those living with dementia today and providing hope for the future.

Moving Medicine

Providing clinicians and allied health professionals with accessible, evidence based, condition specific information to help give advice on physical activity at all stages of children, young peoples and adults treatment pathways. 

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